Transform Your Thinking. Increase Your Connection.
Group Lead: Carly Charron, BA[H], MSW, RSW, PhD Candidate
Men can benefit greatly from having emotional support and close friendships with other men. Yet, many have difficulty initiating this type of bond. Men need support just as much as everyone else but until recently, our society has encouraged them to repress their emotions and to solve problems alone.
This in-person, open group offers a safe space for men to make strong connections and authentic friendships by getting to know other men who are looking to better their lives through counselling. Topics vary by week.
First Thursday of every month from 6-7:30 p.m.
Group Lead: Michelle Laframboise, Registered Psychotherapist
In this open group, teens aged 14-17 are welcome to explore anxiety and how is shows up in our day-to-day lives. In this two part workshop teens will explore:
Stress Vs Anxiety
The Cycle of Anxiety & How to Break It
Coping Strategies & Healthy Habits
Building Resilience to Stress & Anxiety
Each Session is 1 Hour in Length - Two Part Series
These groups may be covered by your extended health insurance benefits. Please confirm with your individual insurance provider if you have mental health benefits.